“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it.” - Barry Commoner
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Foot Sanitizer Dispenser Stand
The present pandemic COVID-19 has made it necessary to remain Healthy and Hygiene. Among other suggestions WHO has given importance to clean hands regularly.
Hence Hi5 Solutions has embarked into product of Foot Dispenser for Hand Sanitization. This enables user a hands free experience of sanitization of hands.
Our designs of dispenser stand for hand sanitization keeps in minds the budget and aesthetics. Presently 5 designs are ready from wall mount to self standing. We are in process of launching more designs for various applications.

SS Stand – Deluxe is made out of Stainless Steel and comes with 500ml Dispenser bottle.

MS Stand – Deluxe is made out of MS pipe and comes with 500ml Dispenser Bottle. They are duly Powder Coated.

Regular Stand is made out of Square Pipe and has an adjustable box to hold the sanitizer bottle of various height. They are duly Powder Coated.

Tripod Stand is made out of MS Pipe and and has an adjustable box to hold the sanitizer bottle of various height. They are duly Powder Coated.

Wall Mounted Stand is made out of Square Pipe and has an adjustable box to hold the sanitizer bottle of various height. They are duly Powder Coated.

Also available with Liquid and Gel Hand Sanitizer in 5 litre can.
All the above Foot Operated Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Stand are durable for heavy use. They are useful for Banks, Corporates, Schools, Hospitals, Malls, Manufacturing Units, Housing Societies , Hotels, Clubs and Resorts etc..
Ozone Generator
- Building up a clean working environment
- Ozone Air
- Ozone Water
Ozone Usages
- Indoor
- Air
- Kitchen
- Laundry
- Swimming Pools
- Food Processing
- Pharmacutecals
- Laboratory
- Hospital
- Aqua Culture
- Cooling Towers
- Waste Water
- Sewage Treatment
- Hvav
- and more...
Hi5 Solutions are suppliers of Ozone generator. Air treatment by ozone generators helps in reducing Air borne bacteria and also removal of unpleasant odour in
places like Malls, Hotels, Clubs, Resorts, Hospitals, Corporate Offices , Municipalities, Public Utilities, Food Processing, Pharmaceuticals, Cold Storages etc.
Ozone generators are very useful in eliminating Sick Building Syndrome, reduces toxic VOC. Ozone generators very efficiently kill the food pests and is used for deep cleaning.

The Water treatment reduces organic impurities presents in water beneficial for Swimming Pools,
Kitchen, Sweage , Waste Water, Laundry etc.
The Treatment reduces usage of chlorine, bromine. It is 3,000 times more germicidal than chlorine.
1.7 times more bactericidal than hydrocyanic acid.